Second Chance Emporium (Second Chance) is a resale store in La Grange serving all of Fayette County.  Opening our doors in 1996, we are entering our 25th successful year in business of providing financial support for local human services organizations with the profits generated.   The resale store is run by a coalition of seven local churches (Crosspoint Community Church, First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, St. James Episcopal Church, St. Paul Lutheran Church, and Shared Lutheran Ministries) representing different denominations.   The majority of the work is performed by unpaid volunteers from the member churches, as well as the community at large.  These churches receive no monies or in-kind donations from Second Chance for the service hours their parishioners donate.

Second Chance accepts donations of items in good, working, usable condition from the public and resells them at very low prices in order to benefit the underprivileged members of our community.  Profits from the sale of these items are distributed to local charities which have applied for funding and been selected by the  Second Chance Emporium Board of Directors.

Many low-income families live in Fayette County.  Because Second Chance keeps prices low, these families can purchase clothing and shoes for themselves and their children, as well as necessary household items, furniture and even small gifts.  Our customers come from all income levels, however. 


Since opening its doors at the end of April 1996, Second Chance has contributed over $4 million to various service organizations.  It should be noted that regular monthly contributions to aid Fayette County residents are made to groups such as AMEN (the La Grange food pantry), Tejas Health Care, Schulenburg Area Food Pantry, Flatonia Area Food Pantry, Fayette County Prescription Drug Program, Bluebonnet Trails Community Services and Combined Community Action.  Throughout the year, one-time distributions are made for other non-profit organizations that provide human services in Fayette County.  Each  year, scholarships are awarded in each of the five Fayette County school districts.  Clothing and other usable items that have not sold in the store are donated to disaster victims, veterans groups, elementary schools and nursing homes.


In addition, Second Chance provides vouchers to assist families suffering from disaster or other unexpected hardships. 





President:  Rev. Martha Langford

Vice-President:  Nancy Hajek

Secretary:  Linda Morrison

Treasurer:  Linda Streicher

Plus two coordinators and one pastor from each of the member churches.






We are now at 841 S. Reynolds, in La Grange.